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How is the casting equipment maintained

  • 2020-05-27
  • 559

Maintenance of casting equipment is mainly daily maintenance and weekly maintenance:

(1) maintenance per shift. Operators are required to do this during each shift: check all parts of the casting equipment before the shift and lubricate according to the regulations; In the class, it is required to use the equipment in strict accordance with the operation and maintenance rules, and pay attention to its operation at all times. If there is any abnormality, it should be repaired in time. If there is any fault that cannot be eliminated, it should be notified to the maintenance worker for inspection. The equipment shall be cleaned and wiped carefully before going off duty, and the casting equipment shall be recorded in the handover record book and the handover procedures shall be handled.

(2) weekend maintenance. It mainly refers to cleaning, wiping and oiling the casting equipment before weekends and holidays, and checking and evaluating according to the "four requirements" of equipment maintenance.

Daily maintenance is the basic work of the maintenance of casting equipment. Supervision and inspection should be strengthened in the management so as to make this work regular, institutionalized and standardized.

Regular maintenance is the regular work carried out by operators under the cooperation of full-time maintenance personnel according to the performance, state and operation of the equipment. It is also a task assigned by the equipment department in the form of a plan. Regular maintenance can be carried out on the equipment minor repair, different equipment maintenance cycle is not the same, generally 1 to 2 months, or the actual operation of the equipment about 500 hours. The contents of regular maintenance include disassembly inspection of maintenance parts and important parts, cleaning and dredging of oil circuit and lubricating system, adjusting the gap of transmission parts, fastening various parts and parts, as well as maintenance and maintenance of electrical parts.



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