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What are the characteristics of the v casting equipment

  • 2020-05-27
  • 740

The casting equipment has a large amount of sand throwing, and the speed of drum turning can be adjusted to meet the different process requirements. The characteristics of v casting equipment are as follows:

1, the use of double worm gear transmission, although the manufacturing requirements are high, but the transmission is flexible, two-way reversible good.

2. The derrick adopts forging, which is more reliable and safe than steel plate welding parts.

3. The cladding steel plate is thicker, and the cladding bottom structure adopts the triple insurance of taper, bottom hoop and welding, which not only prolongs the service life, but also ensures the operator's safety.

4. The main body and boom, reduction box and handwheel are all equipped with relatively chain plates that can be locked at any time.

5. The two trunnions and the derrick are equipped with centering bearings, which are of good consistency.



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