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Features of precision casting equipment

  • 2020-05-27
  • 563

Precision casting equipment produces castings with good precision, surface finish and material density, which requires high performance of castings. Precision casting equipment is also known as investment casting. Compared with other casting methods and parts forming methods, investment casting has the following characteristics:

1. The casting has high dimensional accuracy and fine surface roughness. The dimensional accuracy of the casting can reach level 4-6 and the surface roughness can reach 0.4-3.2 meters, which can greatly reduce the machining allowance of the casting, realize non-allowance manufacturing and reduce the production cost.

2. Castings that can be cast in complex shapes and are difficult to be processed by other methods. The profile size of the casting ranges from a few millimeters to a thousand millimeters, the thickness of the wall is 0.5mm, and the hole is below 1.0mm.

3, alloy materials are not limited: such as carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, copper alloy, aluminum alloy and high temperature alloy, titanium alloy and precious metal materials can be produced by casting. It is especially suitable for the alloy material which is difficult to be forged, welded and cut.

4. High production flexibility and strong adaptability. It can be used in large quantity production, small quantity production and even single piece production.



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