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Transformation and upgrading technical transformation project

  • 2022-01-12
  • 441

Publicity of environmental impact report before approval

According to the measures for public participation in environmental impact assessment (Ministry Order No. 4, Ministry of ecological environment), "before submitting the environmental impact report to the competent ecological and environmental department for approval, the construction unit shall disclose the full text of the environmental impact report and the statement of public participation through the network platform".

Project Name: transformation and upgrading project of Xuzhou Guanhua Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Construction site: East Fengyi road and North Guodu Road, Fengxian Economic Development Zone, Xuzhou

Employer: Xuzhou Guanhua Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd

Environmental impact assessment unit: Guohuan Zhengyuan (Jiangsu) ecological Co., Ltd

Project nature: technical transformation

Working hours: 300 working days per year, two shift 8h working system, annual operation hours 4800h

Construction: 200100 (about 300.15 mu), including a greening area of 25000m2 and a greening rate of 12.5%. The total investment is 300 million yuan, including 36.24 million yuan for environmental protection, accounting for 12.1% of the total investment

Tel.: 17705229862 Wu Gong

Mailing address: East Fengyi road and North Guodu Road, Fengxian Economic Development Zone

The full text of the environmental impact statement to be submitted for approval and the link to the description of public participation:

https://pan.baidu.com/s/1KS7xamU3imy7o_g63XbOFg Extraction code: 5exf

Xuzhou Guanhua Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd


Period 2022.01.12



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